Our Story

Balance 24/7 is the home webpage for Ryan Lee, Medical Tai Chi Qigong Therapist.  He is the Senior US. Certified Tai Chi Qigong instructor for the Tai Chi Qigong Feng Shui Institute.  He lives and teaches in Orange County California where he host Official Certified Tai Chi Qigong Instructor training workshops with our internationally recognized qigong Instructor Certification School

Every wednesday at 4pm Ryan teaches his Power Hour livestream, for everyone looking to staying healty.  

He also offers a weekly Common Core Tai Chi Fitness class for those that are looking to keep fit using Tai Chi.  The Common Core Tai Chi  method created by Tai Chi Master Zhao Wei Dong trains the body in a unique way that produces the strength, health and balance that Tai Chi is legendary for, but sadly has been diluted and lost in most modern day instruction.  

With over 20 years of experience with hundreds of students, Ryan also offers private Medical Tai Chi Qigong Therapy lessons for treating specific chronic medical conditions by reintegrating the structural body through movement to restore it’s natural state of alignment and balance.

Ryan Lee

Founder & Chief Instructor

Ryan is the Senior United States Qigong Instructor for the Tai Chi Qigong Feng Shui Institue under the direction of it’s founder Qigong Master Wing Cheung.

He is the Senior United States Tai Chi Chuan instructor of Common Core Tai Chi under the direction of it’s founder Tai Chi Master Zhao Wei Dong.

He serves as core faculty tai chi instructor and lecture presenter for the HEAL-IM UCI School of Medicine Program led by Dr. Alex Kipp, formerly by Dr. David Kilgore MD. at the University of California Irvine School of Medicine.

He has enjoyed teaching Taoist related arts in California since 2003.  In addition to teaching classes throughout Orange County, he also offers private Medical Tai Chi Qigong Therapy lessons by appointment.